Monday, June 15, 2009

End of School Programs

Cy and Cole both had end of the year programs and both were very cute. Cy was singing his little heart out as you can see from the pictures below. Cole...not so much.
Cy is finishing out the first grade. I just cannot believe it. He has loved school this year. His program had many fun songs that highlighted things they had learned such as the water cycle, the continents, months of the year, etc. Cy loves this stuff, although he is always a nervous wreck prior to it. Cute kids!

Cole just finished his first year of pre-school. He has learned so much. I think that occasionally I do not give him enough credit, being my baby, I hold him back. This age is just so cute. Cole was singing, although not giving it 100%. He has enjoyed school this year...mostly. He is looking forward to the summer break. His teacher is so sweet and helped him adjust and learn many new and exciting things. He was the youngest in his class by several months, we are proud of him.

Singing a silly song that required some floor time.

Five Little Speckled Frogs

I'm not sure what was going on here.