Sunday, July 20, 2008

Cy's Birthday

Today is Cy's sixth birthday. I cried typing that. It is amazing how much more quickly the years fly by once you have kids. I am trying not to be such a boob about his birthdays but they are always hard. It is both exciting and sad as each year passes. I really had a especially hard time when Cy turned four, it seemed like he just wasn't a baby anymore. I had made such a big deal about it, saying "Please, don't turn four. Stay three." that soon after his birthday he asked me if I still liked him. I was taken a back a little and said "Of course I do. Why do you ask that?" He replied that he thought I did not like four year olds. So I apparently gave him a complex for his birthday. Good job, Mom.

He really is such a good boy. I try to tell him every night that I am proud of him for having good manners, for being so smart, kind and handsome. We call him the "Mayor" because he can work a crowd. He means so much to us.

He has recently been saying some funny stuff, here are a few. Nolan and Cy have heart to heart talks every night at bedtime. I enjoy listening in to what they discuss. Sometimes they go on for an hour. The other night Cy brought up a neighbor boy who's mom is divorced from his father and remarried. When Nolan asked Cy was divorce meant, he said it is when someone has "just had it" and says "I'm outta here." Then proudly he stated that he had an idea, she should take her old wedding ring and mail it to She would get back lots of money.
The other day he was tired of running errands with me but I needed to pick up my contacts. I promised it would be our last stop. He told me "but Mom, you look so great in your glasses." Nice try buddy.
Lastly, this weekend Nolan and I were having date night so Cy was staying at Granny's. We mentioned we were going to see The Dark Knight. We gave hugs and kisses goodbye and then he said in the sweetest most matter of fact way "You guys enjoy your Batman." Sweet Boy.

Cy also has a lot of his mother in him - a major bonehead. He is usually pretty agreeable, but if he is fearful of something, forget about it. This meant dragging his feet on the task of learning to ride his bike without training wheels. Nolan had attempted many months ago, but because he crashed Cy refused to try again. He told me there was not enough money I could give him to learn. Nolan and Cy agreed that he needed to learn before he turned 6. Yesterday was the day he was going to learn. One little spot and he was off. Of course he loves it now.

He recently lost another front tooth. The neighbor boy punched him with the Hulk hands. We never found the tooth but the Tooth Fairy paid a visit anyway.

We celebrated with a little swimming today with the neighbor boys. Cy got to choose what we served so it was "chicken on the bone" (a.k.a. fried chicken) and no cake - just ice cream.

Cy was very excited to get a Wii, I think we all were. He also got a metal detector. He is going to look for gold and turn it into We'll let you all know how that goes.

We love you Cyborg, Happy Birthday!


Davis Family said...

Your boys are so cute! That made me sad reading about Cy getting older because I know I am going to have a hard time with Cody turning 4! Jake is already 3 months and that has flown by! I can't believe that Derrick is 7, that sounds so old. Time flys!!

Karen and Scott said...

I really can't believe that my Cy-guy is 6 years old. It seems like only yesterday we waited all night long at Cottonwood Hosp for his arrival - we were all a little rummy by 11:00 a.m. after that all nighter! But what a joy he has been. I cannot imagine life without that sweet little boy. I love him so much and appreciate the way his wonderful parents have taught him to be so polite and respectful. Happy Birthday Cy!. xoxox - Granny O

Jennifer said...

Your boys get more handsome every time I look at your blog. You should be so proud of what great boys they both are.
