Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cy's 1st Day of First Grade

Today was Cy's first day of school. It was very traumatic. I was sad to let him go all day, but the kicker was he had to ride the bus. His school is very close to our home but because it is being remodeled they are busing the kids to another school for a few weeks. Cy was very nervous, which is rare. I grilled him about what bus he was riding, where to find his teacher after he arrived, how to remember his code for school lunch, what bus to take home- it was a lot to remember for a little guy. Luckily, when we arrived at the bus stop, he found a familar face and he calmed down. I, however, cried the rest of the morning.

I arrived 20 minutes early to pick him up. I did not want to miss him getting off the bus. He was so happy. He loved school, loved reccess, loved hot lunch (chicken nuggets with ketchup) and LOVED riding the bus. I felt much better about it knowing it was a good day for him.