Monday, November 24, 2008


'Tis the season for reflecting upon all the things we have to be grateful for. I found that I was grateful for so many things that it was difficult to keep the list short, I am grateful for that.

I am thankful for my Husband. He has been such an important part of my life. He has been the love of my life for 21 of my 33 years. I have very few memories that do not include him or his influence. I am thankful for all the memories we share. I am thankful that he is nice. Even in situations that would send the rest of us over the edge, he is patient and polite. I'm thankful he is compassionate. He hates to hurt anyones feelings. I'm thankful he is such a good dad. He has a way of balancing out the situation. If I am angry, he is calm-if I'm too tired, he disciplines. He is a wonderful example to his boys. He shows them the importance of being a good man, husband and father by treating me with respect, loving me, never speaking negatively about me in front of them, respecting his parents and in-laws, by working hard and by being an equal partner in parenting them. I'm thankful for his big smile. I'm thankful for the pride he takes in his family, work and home. I'm thankful he still loves me after all these years.

I am thankful for my kids. Every once in a while when I have a chance to step back and reflect-I realize they are everything I ever dreamed them to be. I'm so grateful to have such good boys. Of course, I think they are incredibly handsome, but beyond that I am proud that they are smart, thoughtful, polite, funny and healthy. I am thankful for the love, energy, laughter and noise they fill our home and hearts with. They are my greatest joy.

I am thankful for our family. We have wonderful people who surround us with endless and unconditional love and support. We have the only grandchildren on each side of our families. This leaves us incredibly spoiled with love, toys and our families precious time. I am grateful that my boys have all 4 grandparents who adore them and whom they adore. They have an uncle and aunt who will wrestle and play for hours. All of them add to our lives and our children's lives in such positive ways.

I am so grateful for my parents and their retirement. This truly is a luxury for me. I am so spoiled. My mom often times takes my laundry home, cleans my house, or has a warm meal waiting when I get home. I joke it is the best thing that ever happened to ME, although it is no joke. They care for my boys while I work part-time. Knowing that your kids are not only taken care of but loved is a tremendous gift. Just the other day, Cole made mention of the fact that I "do not work." He said that I just stay home so I can pick up him and Cy from school. At first I was a little offended to think he might think that I don't do anything, but the more I thought about it the more I was touched by the conversation. He doesn't see Granny and Papa as babysitters but as an important part of his week. That felt like a million bucks, you working moms know what I mean.

I am thankful for my brother and his happiness. I love him dearly.

I am thankful to Norm and Parlene who treat me as one of their own. Who volunteer to take the boys whenever we need them to and are always there for us. For Melanie who is always offering kind words and a big hug.

I am lucky enough to have known and loved all of my grandparents. I have aunts, uncles and cousins who I count among my best friends. I married into an awesome extended family who are so much fun to be around and who are so good to us.

I am thankful for good friends. I have wonderful, thoughtful friends who are a ton of fun. They have a great way of rallying around whenever someone needs it. I am grateful to have a best friend who always has time to listen, never judges, whom my humor is never lost on, who lets me cry when having a bad day and who always crack me up. Women need best friends, their presence is vital to our sanity. I am thankful for Tara.

Health. I cry when my kids get the flu. I thank my lucky stars for their 10 fingers and 10 toes. A sick family member or friend will quickly remind us what is important in life.

Happiness. So many things to be happy about.
A roof over my head. I complain far too often about wanting a new house. I want more space and new this and new that. But I am grateful to have a home filled with love, happy memories and for having a well manicured lawn (thanks Noli).

A job. Particularly this year when so many do not have one, I am grateful that Nolan and I both have gainful employment.

Lastly I am thankful for DVR, smothered burritos, spanx, flats, Johnson & Johnson gentle gum care dental floss, hcg, smooth elbows, US weekly, occasional nights of uninterrupted sleep, day after Thanksgiving sales and the turkey dinner that I will eat tomorrow.

I hope you have many things to be thankful this year. Happy Thanksgiving!!!


Hayden and Kelly said...

K, the tears are a-flowin' here!!! You are so wonderful Cori. I am SO THANKFUL for you! What an amazing woman and friend you are. Really, I cherish you more than you'll ever know! Hope you had a wonderful and YUMMY thanksgiving!

Karen and Scott said...

After reading your blog - it is hard for me to put into words the pride I feel = but I am sure now as a Mom you can imagine.
I too am so grateful for all of my family & the love and respect we show each other. I count my blessings everyday. I love you Sweetie and thank you.


Anonymous said...

You are an amazing mom, wife, daughter and to me, a wonderful friend. You teach me how to be those things all the time and just by telling the world what you are thankful for in your most eloquent and sincere way once again proves all of these things. Thank you for being you and know that I am thankful for you and your friendship.

Tara said...

I am so sorry it took me so long to read your touching entry. I love you so much and do not know what I would ever do without you. Thank-you for your kind words and for being such a wonderful friend. I will always be grateful for you!!! LOVE YOU!

MelanieSkiby said...

You touch my heart!! I am so very glad to be a part of your family and to have you as part of mine. I love you!!!

Davis Family said...

Very nice Cori, but I read it twice and still didn't see MY name??