Monday, July 7, 2008

Catching up

I am far behind with my blogging and long overdue in introducing Maile Alexa Gallegos, born to Kanani and Chico on June 1st. She is so cute. I think her favorite activities are snuggling with me through softball games, I cannot be sure though.

June brought the end of kindergarten for Cy, a sad day. We are enjoying our summer and looking forward to the adventures that 1st grade will bring. Cy already starts back to school on the 28th of July, I am not sure about this year round school. Cy and Cole have been doing swim lessons 4 days a week. We did some camping up Huntington Canyon for Father's Day with both of our families and some friends. That was a lot of fun and nice to be at Old Folks Flat which always brings back happy memories of my Grandma Marge (her favorite campsite).

The last weekend in June we went to The Bodine Family Reunion at Blackhawk Campground up by Payson Lakes. Unfortunately, we missed out on all the time we would've liked due to a sick dog and kids, all are fine, thank goodness. The Bodine sisters do a great spread with wonderful food and activities. They do a traditional dutch oven dinner on Saturday night. It's amazing!! I bullied Aunt Kathy into bringing her award-winning enchilada casserole. It's delicious and I will try to post the recipe if I can get it from her. I do not use "award winning" lightly, she really won a dutch oven competition. Aunt Pat headed up a craft, making frames with decorative rocks and grout. It was fun and the frames turn out beautifully. Some were a little frustrated, but it was worth the hard work. It is always nice to see the Bodine's, the family is getting bigger each year, Cammie and Jeff are adding the next addition in early Fall.