Friday, May 30, 2008

Temple of Goons

I just keep forgetting to share this, it makes me giggle. We have not yet seen the new Indian Jones movie but we recently watched the first one with Cy. We are trying to get him to like the moves we enjoyed when we were young. He is a huge fan of Daniel Laruso in the Karate Kid and can pull off a mean crane. He's loves Goonies and Back to the future too. Cy has been talking about Raiders of the Lost Ark since watching it and wants to see the new movie. This is a round about story, stick with me. Cole calls Davey Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, "Baby" Jones. So we adopted it as well. After Cy watched Raider's of the Lost Ark, he called Indy "Davyana Jones" so now Cole calls him "Babyana Jones." Makes me smile every time. I am not sure about the new movie. I hear there are Aliens in it??? What's that about?


Jennifer said...

Cori, I can't even tell you how much I love hearing the funny things your boys say. I hope Adam makes me giggle as much as they do when he's older. Oh yeah, and did I mention that Eric want's to adopt them? :)

Karen and Scott said...

Just what is not to love and adore about Cy and Cole.....Oh and Cori and Nolan too!
