Wednesday, December 23, 2009

I believe....

Last night when I thought all was quiet for the evening, Cy asked me to come to his room. He asked me if I still believe in Santa Claus. I explained to him not only do I believe, I know Santa is real. He asked how I knew and I fell back on a precious story a good friend had told me this year. I am telling this second hand so I may have some of the details wrong, but this is how I remembered the story.
I told Cy that when our friends mother was 14 years old her mother was sick in the hospital on Christmas Eve (the real story is that she passed away just days before Christmas, but that was too much for me to explain). Being the oldest of 5, and without her father around, she was very worried about the younger children. She worried that many of the rumors that she had heard from those who do not believe may be proved true. As she settled in for the night there was a knock at the door and when she answered it, who should be standing there but Santa. He delivered Christmas dinner and gifts for all the children, more than they had ever remembered receiving before. From that day forward Santa's existence and magic was never doubted again.
As I was telling him, I had gotten to the part where Santa arrives and I had asked him who he thought was at the door and he said "WHO?" I'm not sure who else he thought it might be but I told him Santa of course. He yelled, "I knew it, I knew it!" He was so excited about the story he covered his eyes and the anticipation of our visit from Santa in only a few days was just oozing from every inch of him.
I asked him why it was that he was asking me all of these questions. I asked if someone at school had chose not to believe. He said no, but that he thought it was strange that some grown ups do not believe in Santa. I told him that I thought that that was sad for them and asked him if he thought they got anything for Christmas from Santa. He answered no and I explained to him that Santa does not bring presents to those who do not believe. So you have to beleive to receive.
Then I was worried that he might over think the fact that Nolan and I do not receive gifts from Santa. I recalled that Nolan and I had asked Santa to only deliver gifts to the kids after he was born because it was more fun for us to watch the kids open presents than it was for us to get them ourselves. He thought that for a minute and then said, "You're a good Mom". Probably the best Christmas gift I'll ever receive.
Thank you Emmalee for sharing what is now one of my favorite stories about the beauty and magic of Christmas.
May your homes be filled with the magic too.


Karen and Scott said...

Cy is truly the sweetest boy on Earth! I also believe!!!!

All About M.E.('s) said...

That is priceless! What a cute boy you have :)