Thursday, March 19, 2009

It Ain't Always Pretty

Let's face it, generally all my posts are about the proud moments in parenting. Anyone who has children knows that's not real life. So.........
Yesterday, Cole was playing outside with my parents and went inside with my Mom to put on his shoes. He asked my Dad to babysit his stuffed dog, Barkley, while he went in for a minute. My Mom reports that Cole looked up from watching his shoes being tied and declared with disguist "Oh, Sh*#! Papa's not watching Barkley."
Nolan should really start watching his language!


Karen and Scott said...

When Cole made that comment - my own voice echoed in my ears!! I guess we all need to be careful. Bless his precious little heart.


Jennifer said...

That's so funny Cori! Are you sure it's Nolan that needs to watch his language? hehe jk

Cammie said...

haha, too funny! I love it!