Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Some catching up to do....

I have a few things that I have meant to blog about but haven't gotten to yet. I do this mostly to help me remember the precious moments that fly by too quickly and you easily forget.
Little Patriots. This year Cy was really into the presidential election. We had briefly discussed the historical importance of the two democrats that were running. This can be difficult for a 6 year old to wrap his mind around but thought it was at least worth mentioning. He was really interested in all of it. Closer to the election he would report daily who was voting for whom in his class of 6 year olds. This would really upset him. Cy had decided that Barack was his man and if you weren't with him, you were against him. On election day, his class held a mock election. John McCain won (big surprise in Utah). After school when he told my mom about the outcome, he told her " Steven voted for John McCain and I told him; John McCain is not going to end this war." Made me laugh. Cole wanted to be a great American too, so he learned the Pledge of Allegiance. I thought this was cute.


Hayden and Kelly said...

SOOOO cute! Oh my, what cute boys!! I can't stand it! How fun!! Miss you lots! xoxo

Karen and Scott said...

I love my little Democrats!!

Granny O