Monday, November 24, 2008

Cole is at that age where I find Nolan or myself saying 5 times a day, "That Coley." Depending on his behavior that day, it may be a good or bad statement. Regardless, he's just funny. After nap on Friday, he was running around in his undies and of course tried to go outside like that. I reminded him he would need to get dressed first. This is what he came out with. The striped shirt was already on. The coat, shark swim shorts and the shoes that are on the wrong feet were all provided by Cole. I have to admit, I never would've let Cy go out like this. I guess you relax more with your second, so out he went. Besides-he was very proud of himself.


Karen and Scott said...

Reminds me of Cori when she was little & came down the stairs in a pair of levis, with a black tie belt around her chest and her Cat Woman glasses on or when she would dress Michael up like a girl & want to go out and play. Yeah for letting him go out like that!!